
WebGL RendertTexture.Create failed: requested size is too large 오류 해결방법 본문


WebGL RendertTexture.Create failed: requested size is too large 오류 해결방법

기억해조 2023. 11. 24. 17:43

유니티 WebGL에서 



RendertTexture.Create failed: requested size is too large 

오류가 났을경우, 

(오류생성방법: F12-Toggle device tool bar 를 눌렀을 경우 생김, 메모리가 계속 쌓임)




config.matchWebGLToCanvasSize = false;

이 부분을 주석 해제 하면 된다.




WebGL error on some machines: Unity is creating larger and larger offscreen FBOs and eventually fail

I find the reason. I’m not good at HTML and JS. The canvas I created is too large. I am using the following to set the size of a canvas: canvas.width = 800; canvas.height = 600; The width and height are without unit. At 100% zoom their unit is ‘px’.


